"In times past, a story untold... until now."


These tales and stories evoke emotion and venture into journeys that twist and turn the imagination. These stories are to be enjoyed by all ages.



"Two boys that trespass into trouble"


This story features two boys, the older brother named Darius and younger brother Colt. Colt decides that it would be much faster to cut through a farmer's field to get to the market. However, there are always consequences for shortcuts and trespassing.



"Rain is essential for life"


This story is about a jungle princess that, when happy, creates ample amount of rain for the rain forest. However, when the jungle princess Rain is sad, it becomes too sunny and creates drought. Unfortunately, her protector Shadow gets captured and causes Rain to become sad, causing the whole jungle to search for Shadow..



"Timeless Tomes : Timeless Values"


The writer and artist of Timeless Tomes believes that involvement in the community is important to try to create a world that our imaginations desire.

Follow @TimelessTomes

This website, characters, story, world, all belong to C. Gartzke. Copyright 2019